CCR Ideas
My group was composed of Emi, Mariana, Isa, Ale, Sofia, and me. First, Emi told us her ideas for her CCR. She wanted to pretend that she was a famous actor with a popular YouTube channel so her first idea was to do a YouTube video, unboxing fan mail(gifts, letters, etc.). Her second Idea was to do some sort of interview on YouTube as well.
Then, I described my ideas for my CCR. My first idea was to do an interview where the camera man walks up to me and says "Hey I like your car, what do you do for a living?" like Daniel Mac on TikTok. I thought this was pretty unique, and would really match the movie we are creating, since it has to do with my car. My second idea was to do an on-set blog for a YouTube channel. I'm not sure if I'll stick to this idea, but for now I like it.
Marianna's first idea was to do sort of like Vogue's "In The Bag" episode, which consists of a celebrity that shows what they have in their purse. In the video, she will pull out props and other items that will lead to one of the CCR questions. She didn't decided what to do for her second video though.
Then it was Isa's turn, and her first idea was to be a witness in a trial, getting asked questions about the movie by the lawyer, leading for her to answer her CCR questions. Her second idea is to make it seem as if she's stuck somewhere and will answer her remaining CCR questions.
Ale then told us her ideas, one of them being a movie review on her film, talking about the movie and responding to criticism she received because of it. Her other idea was of a her getting out of surgery and surgeon asking her questions about the movie.
Sofia went last, and her first idea was to make a breaking news channel interview, talking about her new famous movie, and her second idea was to making a cooking video, answering question while making something.
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