Saturday, March 8, 2025

CCR #1

The question I will be researching today is "How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?" 

For our movie, we will follow some of the typical action movie characteristics, but we will also add some comedy movie characteristics to make our movie stand out. The action movie conventions that we will follow are the fast-paced shots, the emphasis on physical action, and establishing heroes and a villain. In this case, the heroes will be Thomas and Lukias, and the villain will be the pharmaceutical company. 

Our movie will also highlight the social injustices proposed to us by the medical industry in the US, and the problems that come from single parent households. Healthcare has always been a problem in the USA, due to its high prices, while in Europe and many countries in South America offer free public healthcare. Our film will focus on the greediness of the American government, keeping the cure for cancer from the public in a realistic fiction manner. Thomas' situation will show the difficulties of growing up with no father, and also the struggles of being in the foster care system. Since Thomas doesn't really know what to do with his life, he just resorts to stealing which doesn't show that he has a promising future in the work force. 



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Post-production Post #3

So, since were pretty much done filming, we have decided to use the clips we have and add the other clips later. I am responsible for adding...