Lukias' motive is his dying mother, because even though he is very wealthy, the cure for cancer is being kept from the public by a bio-tech company called "KineCure Labs" to keep making them money from chemotherapy and other cancer treatments. We will start the movie introducing Lukias' messy room, showing how he's been researching different companies and how he found out KineCure had the cure.
Thomas, on the other hand, has other life goals. As a troubled kid, all he ever wanted is a ton of money, cars, and ladies. These motives will be showed in a shot during the first two minutes. After they meet, Lukias asks Thomas how much money he would need to quit his job right now and work for him, to which he replies "10k." Blank pulls out the $10,000 and Thomas is shocked. They then go on to talk about the plan and then the 2 minutes will be up.
For the title, we were thinking of making something like this:
Our Production Company
We haven't decided the name yet, but our production company will show up in our two minutes like this:
We are probably going to change the typing sound into a typewriter sound, but this is just a rough draft.
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