Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Group Meeting

 Today in class, our teacher put us into groups and made us discuss about our projects and give feedback to the other students. My group consisted of Miguel, Parker, Isa, Sara, and Emilio. 

I went first and described my plan for the project to the group. The group said I had a good idea, but I didn't really plan how I was going to develop the plot. They suggested that I do that and they also said to add each persons motive for wanting the money. After I talked this through with Elias, we remade the plan for the movie and decided that instead of robbing money, they are going to steal the cure for a disease and the serious man(really rich) will pay the driver to help him. The drivers motive will be to have a lavish lifestyle and the rich mans motive is to cure his sick relative/friend(haven't decided yet). That was all the feedback I got, but it really helped me advance in my project. 

Next was Parker and he explained how his movie was going to be kind of like a coming of age, centered around these 4-5 guys in a group. He said that it will have a voice over, and the boys will take turns telling the story. I found this pretty interesting, considering that he wanted to fit all of this in two minutes. Then I suggested that he make sure it doesn't turn out like a trailer, because it looked like it could happen.

After Parker, Isa also talked about her coming of age film. Her film was supposed to be about the transition from high school to college, and a bucket list that a group plans to complete before and during college. I really liked the idea of the movie, but I didn't really see how she could show the plan for the movie in just the first 2 minutes. She didn't really know where the story was going yet and had only planned the basics. She also explained how she would want to break the fourth wall throughout the film with one of her characters, which I found quite interesting.

Then, Sara talked about her film. I liked how she is basing the movie on her life story, and I also liked how she's going to add some flashbacks with Spanish monologue in some scenes. I asked her if the narration was going to be fully in Spanish, but she said that she hadn't fully planned it out, but she will most likely do most of the scenes in English, and the flashbacks in Spanish with subtitles. After the meeting I became curious on how she was going to make the flashbacks, as in who is going to play her younger self, and I will make sure to ask her someday in class.

Emilio thought of doing a horror movie opening. He planned to make an opening that did not show the main character, but instead some aspects of his work. Other than this, he didn't have much else developed. I suggested that he make the opening about a victim, but our teacher said we shouldn't do kidnapping, since it is pretty bland and common. As a group, we told him that he had to plan it better so his project would be well executed, because horror movies are a hard genre to master.

And finally, Miguel walked us through his idea. I really enjoyed hearing Miguel's story, since it sounds like a movie I would actually watch. He described his movie as a slasher, being about a crazy band member that gets kicked out and decides to kill the rest of them. He explained how the 2 minutes were all going to happen in a garage, and this made me wonder where he was going to put the title. I suggested he put the title on one of the drums or some instrument, and he responded by saying that although it was a good idea, it would look like that is the bands name. I agreed and he said that the title will most likely be on the ground after the band member gets kicked out. 

Here is a link to their blogs (miguel wasn't able to send his link):

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