Friday, February 28, 2025

Filming Day 1 (Take 2)

Today is Friday, and it was our last chance to film together this week since Elias has a tournament in Tampa, and I have two games this weekend. Well, Elias forgot that it was his brothers birthday and we weren't able to film after school today. We were able to get some of our individual shots filmed though, but that's all we could do. Here are a few of the shots that I filmed today: 

The reason I am fidgeting with something in my right hand is because I was testing out to see if its a good idea to add to the movie. This will add to the sort of person that Thomas is on the inside, smarter than people think. I am also considering adding some more shots in between some of these, focusing on the characters clothing and accessories. I also bought a fake tattoo that should arrive on Sunday so I can put it on when we film together. 

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Post-production Post #3

So, since were pretty much done filming, we have decided to use the clips we have and add the other clips later. I am responsible for adding...