Sunday, February 23, 2025


In this blog I will be talking about the auditory part of our project. We will use a song that will overlay most of the 2 minutes, with very limited dialogue in the beginning. This song will "be played" from Thomas' car radio and Lukias' actual radio in his room. Towards the end, the music will stop, probably when the title shows, and we will start to use more dialogue. We haven't yet decided on a song yet, but it will be something like this song

Throughout the scene, there will be some sounds such as the car starting or typing on the computer that will be heard on top of the music. We will try to record the dialogue along with the original shot, but if there is too much background sound, we will just record it separately and overlay some natural sounds over that. At one point during the film, I will raise the volume in the car which will raise the volume of the song for the rest of the scene until the end when it fades away.

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Post-production Post #3

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